Dronahub Privacy Policy


This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) describes the policies and procedures on the collection, use, disclosure and protection of your information when you use our website located at dronahub.com, or the DronaHub mobile application (collectively, “DronaHub Platform”) made available by Prism Digital Technology (“DronaHub”, “Company”, “we”, “us” and “our”).


The terms “you” and “your” refer to the user of the DronaHub Platform. The term “Services” refers to any services offered by DronaHub whether on the DronaHub Platform or otherwise.


Please read this Policy before using the DronaHub Platform or submitting any personal information to DronaHub. This Policy is a part of and incorporated within, and is to be read along with, the Terms of Use.


The user of this DronaHub Platform (“User”) agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of this privacy policy (“Policy”). In the event the terms and conditions of the Policy are not agreeable to the User, the User is requested to refrain from using this DronaHub Platform.


This Policy is a legally binding document between the User and Dronahub. The terms of this Policy will be effective upon the User’s acceptance of the same (directly or indirectly in electronic form, by clicking on the “I accept the Privacy Policy” tab or by use of the DronaHub Platform) and will govern the relationship between the User and Dronahub.


We insist upon the highest standards for secure transactions and customer information privacy. Please read the following statement to learn about our information gathering and dissemination practices.


By mere use of the DronaHub Platform and mobile apps, you expressly consent to our use and disclosure of your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy is incorporated into and subject to the Terms of Use.



Dronahub may during the course of the User’s usage of the DronaHub Platform collect the following personal and nonpersonal information and such other information from the Users for accessing the DronaHub Platform (“Information”), as part of the voluntary registration process, any on-line survey or interaction on the DronaHub Platform or combination thereof, as may be required from time to time. The Information shall be collected in order to conduct operations on the DronaHub Platform. The DronaHub Platform collects or can request for the below mentioned Information from the Users


1.1 Personal Information:


(i) Name of the User;


(ii) Phone number (mobile and/or residence and/or alternative) of the User;


(iii) Gender of the User;


(iv) Date of birth of the User;


(v) Address (official/residence/other) of the User;


(vi) Email Id (primary/alternative) of the User;


(vii) Personal information received from social networking sites through which the User has registered to the DronaHub Platform including name, profile picture, email address or friends list, and any information made public in connection with that social media service;


(viii) Internet protocol (IP) address of the User; and


(ix) Sensitive personal data such as passwords and payment details.


1.2 Non-personal information:


(i) Details of internet or telecom service provider of the User;


(ii) Location of a User;


(iii) Type of internet browser being used by the User; and


(iv) Such other information that may be required to access and operate the DronaHub Platform


1.3 Please note that in addition to the above, the duration of use of the DronaHub Platform by the User may also be logged and stored by the DronaHub Platform.


1.4 The Information may be collected and/or stored in electronic form, however, Dronahub is hereby authorized by the User to collect/store such information in physical form as well.


1.5 The DronaHub Platform may share the Information of a User with any third party entities subject to such entities adopting reasonable safety standards with respect to the use of such Information.



Every User hereby represents and warrants to Dronahub that:


(a) all Information provided by the User is true, correct, current and updated;


(b) all Information provided by the User and the provision of such Information by the User does not in any manner violate any third party agreement, law, decree, order or judgement;


(c) all Information provided by the User does not belong to any third party, and if it does belong to a third party, the User is duly authorized by such Third Party to use, access and disseminate such Information;


(d) the officers, directors, contractors or agents of Dronahub shall not be responsible in any manner whatsoever with regard to the authenticity or veracity of the Information that a User may provide to the DronaHub Platform; and


(e) the User shall indemnify and hold harmless Dronahub and each of its officers, directors, contracts or agents and any third party relying on the Information provided by the User in the event the User is in breach of this Policy.


Dronahub represents and warrants to every User that:


(a) It shall not collect the User’s sensitive personal data unless such sensitive personal data is collected for a lawful purpose for which such collection of data is necessary;


(b) It shall not retain any sensitive personal data for longer than such sensitive personal data is required or can be lawfully used;


(c) In the event Dronahub collects Information directly from the User, Dronahub shall make reasonable effort to apprise the User of the purpose of such collection of Information, the intended recipient of the Information and the details of the agencies collecting and retaining the Information; and


(d) It has in place the security practices and procedures prescribed under the Information Technology (Reasonable Security Practices and Procedures and Sensitive Personal Data or Information) Rules, 2011 (“IT Rules”).



All Information collected/stored by the DronaHub Platform shall be used for:

(a) [providing information about new educational products and services to the Users;

(b) to continually improve the existing DronaHub Platform and service offerings;


(c) to conduct research and surveys;


(d) to implement the necessary security practices to ensure that all personal data are protected;


(e) to administer the User accounts in normal course of business;


(f) to contact the Users in case where fraud, illegal activities or breach of privacy is recorded;


(g) to enable the employees of or persons acting on behalf of Dronahub to communicate with the User, as and when necessary, in order to provide the services requested by such User;


(h) such other purposes that Dronahub, at its sole discretion, however subject to the principles contained in this Policy, may deem fit.



4.1 Every User hereby expressly agrees that Dronahub may share the Information collected from such User with its affiliates, employees, and such other individuals and institutions located within or outside India from time to time to ensure efficient management of DronaHub Platform traffic, to detect and prevent identity theft and other illegal acts, and to respond to legal, judicial, quasi-judicial law enforcement agencies or in connection with an investigation on matters related to public safety, as required and permitted by law and for such other purposes that Dronahub may deem fit from time to time.



The DronaHub Platform send cookies (small files containing a string of characters) to your computer, thereby uniquely identifying your browser. Cookies are used to track your preferences, help you login faster, and aggregated to determine user trends. This data is used to improve offerings, such as providing more content in areas of greater interest to a majority of users.


Most browsers are initially set up to accept cookies, but you can reset your browser to refuse all cookies or to indicate when a cookie is being sent.




Some of the DronaHub Platform features and services may not function properly if your cookies are disabled


The DronaHub Platform may contain links that will redirect the Users to third party DronaHub Platforms that may have access to the personal information of the User to which this Policy shall not be applicable. Thereby, every User agrees and acknowledges that accessing third party DronaHub Platforms through links provided in the DronaHub Platform will solely be at the Users discretion. Additionally, Dronahub shall under no circumstance be held liable for breach of privacy by such third party DronaHub Platform nor shall it be liable for any objectionable content that may be displayed on such third party DronaHub Platform. The DronaHub Platform may contain links to other DronaHub Platforms, however, every User agrees and acknowledges that the DronaHub Platform shall not be responsible for the privacy practices of other third party DronaHub Platforms which it does not own, manage or control.



6.1 Dronahub understands and acknowledges the importance of security and protection of the Information provided by and/or collected from the Users. Pursuant to the same, Dronahub shall make the best efforts to ensure protection of Information by use of such security measures and programs that it may deem fit for the purpose. We shall employ best efforts to protect the Information against any unauthorized, illegal and fraudulent use of such Information by third parties.


6.2 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, Dronahub shall not be held responsible for any loss, damage or misuse of the Information caused to the User, if such loss, damage or misuse is attributable to an event beyond the control of or attributable to Dronahub or a force majeure event.


6.3 Dronahub shall ensure that the DronaHub Platform shall adopt appropriate encryption and security measures to prevent any hacking of the information of the Users and third parties and shall ensure that the User shall not be required or asked to disclose any Information, which may be prejudicial to the interests of the User. Currently, the content available on the DronaHub Platform is encrypted with AES 256 encryption where the data transfers are secured with HTTPS secured protocols and video content is delivered through HLS protocols.


6.4 Dronahub shall use the Information collected from the Users in accordance with applicable laws including but not limited to the IT Act and the rules made thereunder and use the Information only for the purpose for which it was furnished.


6.5 Dronahub has appropriate physical, electronic and managerial procedures in relation to the DronaHub Platform. The servers of the DronaHub Platform are accessible only to the authorized personnel and any Information of the User shall be shared with the authorized personnel only on a need to know basis to facilitate the services requested by the User. Dronahub shall endeavor to safeguard the confidentiality of a User’s personally identifiable information, however, the transmissions made by means of the Internet cannot be made absolutely secure by the DronaHub Platform. The User agrees and acknowledges that Dronahub shall not be liable for disclosure of any information due to errors in transmission or any unauthorized acts of third parties.


6.6 The User agrees and acknowledges that Dronahub shall be entitled to share the Information where such sharing is necessary for the lawful performance of the contractual obligations existing between Dronahub and the User and for such purposes as it may deem fit, however, the disclosure of Information shall be in accordance with this Policy, the IT Act and the rules made thereunder.



7.1 The User has the option of not providing its Information to Dronahub. Further, Information provided and/or collected by Dronahub may be withdrawn at any time during or pursuant to usage of the DronaHub Platform by a User. Users desirous of withdrawing the Information shall send an email to the grievance officer and request for such withdrawal. Dronahub may subsequent to such withdrawal of information, at its sole discretion continue or discontinue the provision of its services to such User.



Dronahub reserves the right to change or update this Policy at any time. The User shall be notified of any change to the Policy having the effect of curtailing or limiting the existing User rights under the Policy. Any such changes or update of the Policy shall be immediately effective upon posting to the DronaHub Platform and your continued use is deemed approval of all such changes.